Digital Leadership Self-Assessment

Digital leaders play a pivotal role in the success of digital transformation initiatives. But digital leadership demands a certain set of new dimensions―both human traits and technical skills―to meet the challenges of the digital age. Based on years of research, we have developed a reliable scale to measure digital leadership.

This self-assessment will take less than 10 minutes. No matter your title—a CEO, a functional leader, a program manager, or an associate aspiring to be a digital leader—this will help you grow personally and professionally.

You will be pleased with the insights it provides; your digital leadership strengths, weaknesses, and more importantly, how you compare to your peers.

Digital Leadership Self-Assessment
Demographic questions

Digital Leadership Self-Assessment Humility
As a leader of digital initiatives, I... Never Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always
...respect the opinions of our employees, even if they are not the same as mine.
...value every contribution of every individual, no matter how big or small it may be.
...gratefully accept any feedback, both positive and negative.
Digital Leadership Self-Assessment Ethical AI
As a leader of digital initiatives, I... Never Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always
... make sure senior management understands the need to build trustworthy AI that ensures fairness and accuracy, which meets their privacy and compliance requirements.
...put processes in place to ensure no human biases creep into algorithms and affect outcomes.
...develop and encourage participation in training sessions related to ethics in AI.
Digital Leadership Self-Assessment Growth Mindset
As a leader of digital initiatives, I... Never Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always
...don’t view failure as a disappointment but as a learning experience that can lead to change.
...believe that all people, including myself, can develop their capabilities to do new things, regardless of where they come from.
...accept new challenges, take advantage of feedback, and provide timely feedback to subordinates.
Digital Leadership Self-Assessment Transparent Agenda
As a leader of digital initiatives, I... Never Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always
...never hide my intentions; I reveal all aspects of our digital strategy to the organization.
...make sure the digital strategy is documented and accessible to all stakeholders.
...ensure that the benefits of our digital strategy are quantifiable so that everyone clearly understands them.
Digital Leadership Self-Assessment Digital Literacy
As a leader of digital initiatives, I... Never Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always
...make sure that everyone on the direct report team has the necessary technical skills to implement our digital strategy.
...regularly seek outside resources (advice of thought leaders, joint research projects, partnerships, executive education, etc.) to maintain the organization’s digital talents.
...ensure the entire leadership team knows the strategic and operational benefits of our digital technologies.
Digital Leadership Self-Assessment Skills Acquisition
As a leader of digital initiatives, I... Never Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always personally involved in our efforts to recruit digital talents to the organization.
...influence efforts to retrain and rebalance the organization’s digital skills.
...have initiated active programs with local colleges and universities to recruit digitally talented people.
Digital Leadership Self-Assessment Track Record
As a leader of digital initiatives, I... Never Rarely Sometimes Very Often Always
...changed an aspect of the business using digital methods.
...reduced the cycle time or operational cost of the business significantly.
...created an overall better customer experience.
Digital Leadership Self-Assessment